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About Forecasting Performance

I recently heard someone ask the question:
"What's a problem so interesting you'd gladly spend the next 20 years solving it?"


Here at Forecasting Performance, my purpose is to help CFOs implement high performing FP&A teams.


It's what I've done for the last decade and it's what I find purpose in.


If you are a CFO wanting to level-up your FP&A system, keep reading.


And you can always reach me directly at: brett(at)

Our Mission

Our mission at Forecasting Performance is to make high performing FP&A operations an essential part of every business. Every week we provide frameworks and best practices to help you implement what you need to drive FP&A excellence.​

Our Beliefs

A finance team will fall to the level of their system.


Sometimes you get lucky with an A+ talent on your team or the perfect business partners to work with.


But for the other 99% of us, having an operating system that we can lean on to drive results is how we can reliably make an impact in the business we support.


And being a great finance leader means driving value every month in the business.


Even the most talented finance professionals will eventually find that willpower alone is not enough to drive the business forward.


Influencing and impacting large organizations for the last 10+ years has come down to how well I'm able to set a vision, delegate outcomes to my team, drive the right work forward, and maintain a standard of excellence.


All of these are what I'm talking about when I say FP&A Operating System (or FP&A OS for short).

Our Approach

I wish there was a single course, training, or book I could give you to help you become a great finance leader.


If that was the case, I would have made it already!


Becoming an amazing finance leader is all about developing your Operating System that allows you to navigate the world of finance nearly on autopilot.


What if I told you that you already do this?


Every time you experience something, you learn from it. Your goal is to do the things that work again and avoid the things that didn't work.


That's a very natural way to build your system.


Having a great mentor can help you reflect on your system, learn lessons faster, and give you their experiences to input into your operating system.


Forecasting Performance is your FP&A coach from afar


Each week, we share experience-based finance tips and frameworks to help you refine your operating system and become a more effective leader.


At a minimum in our weekly newsletter, you'll hear how we think through leadership, career, and finance best practices in a slightly different way than you naturally think about it.


At our best, we'll open your eyes to a better way to tackle the problems you are facing today.

How We Can Help You

Forecasting Performance provides actionable education to help you improve your FP&A operations. We produce content across multiple platforms with a mix of free and paid content to fit your needs and budget.




Our newsletter is designed to give you actionable tips and frameworks delivered to your inbox every Saturday morning at 8am ET.


Every week you'll receive:

  • Finance career advice

  • Tips on building your operating system

  • Frameworks for becoming a finance leader

  • Best practices in reporting, analysis, forecasting, and business partnership



Personally, I love learning through reading.


So I distilled some of my best frameworks and systems into 2 comprehensive books for you to learn from:

  1. The FP&A Operating System

  2. The Finance Manager Playbook


These books are a great place to start with their low cost ($29 each) and ease to consume.


And they both come with Excel workbooks for you to follow along and develop your own operating system.



Since I've started Forecasting Performance, I've had professionals asking me for ways they could go deeper into learning FP&A best practices.


So I started to create low-cost courses and memberships to help with specific pain points and career transitions:


1. Want to know what the best FP&A teams implement in small to medium sized businesses to drive value? The FP&A Flywheel course teaches exactly that and gives you the Excel models too.​​


2. Curious how you can level-up from being an amazing FP&A Professional to becoming an influential FP&A Leader? Next Level FP&A is the course that teaches the skills and character traits of great finance leadership.

About Brett Hampson

My name is Brett - I'm the founder of Forecasting Performance.


I've spent the majority of my 10+ year career working in large, multi-national corporations that round their financial statements to the $B (billions).


My career accelerated early on when I learned the value of developing my operating system and leading teams from a place of calm but confident management. It took me 8 years to go from entry-level financial analyst to finance director in a Fortune 100 company because I had great mentors who helped push me into challenging experiences (not everybody has that same advantage).


Later in my career I began to branch into smaller PE-backed companies and small, local businesses to bring the same financial best practices to smaller companies.


I noticed financial excellence was missing from smaller companies, but the finance leaders in those companies were hungry for the education.


That's when Forecasting Performance was born.


My content has been viewed by millions.

My newsletter is read by thousands.

My books have been read by hundreds.

I've personally transformed finance teams into proactive, analytical machines.


Now I'm teaching everything I know.


Thanks for being curious and wanting to be a part of something big.


- Brett

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